Powerica Regional Office, Chennai
POWERICA is a manufacturer of diesel generators. Being a company involved in the energy business they were keen to project their sensitivity to being... -
Office Building for Tamilnadu Petroproducts Ltd., Chennai
THE HEADQUARTERS building of Tamilnadu Petroproducts Limited (TPL) is located on Cenotaph Road in the heart of Chennai on a site which is 4200m2. -
Office Building at Anna Salai, Chennai
THE SITE is a prominent location in the central business district of Chennai with a small office building constructed in its south west corner... -
KCT IT Park, Coimbatore
IT FACILITY measuring 24,200m2 in area has six floors with the ground floor meant solely for parking. Adjacent to the main building there is... -
Regional Office for Software Technology Parks Of India, Chennai
The site is prominently located in the heart of the IT development on Rajiv Gandhi Salai. However the only access to it is through...
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